Beautiful and elegant this apartment offers 4 private parking spaces, two bathrooms, Jacuzzi, shower and a beautiful living area with a table for 12 people; in addition to 8/10 double or single beds.
The Place
The Place
The beautiful Valley of Fiemme

Welcome to Paradise
Val di Fiemme goes from the West to the East in the Eastern part of Trentino, along the river Avisio, affluent of the river Adige. It is delimited by the Dolomites: in the North by Latemar; in the East by Pale di San Martino; in the South by Lagorai.
You reach Val di Fiemme from Ora, driving the road 48 of the Dolomites – which carries on until Val di Fassa – or from Trento, driving the road that crosses Val di Cembra.
It is also connected to Valsugana (Manghen Pass), to Val d’Ega in Alto Adige (Lavazè Pass), to Primiero (Rolle Pass), to the province of Belluno (Valles Pass).
Val di Fiemme has 11 villages: Predazzo is the most populated and Cavalese is the administrative centre.
Its economy is mostly based on the winter and the summer tourism, on the handicraft activities, on the zootechny and on the forestry.
The woods of Val di Fiemme look like a real park and are mainly kept by “Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme”, an institution that boasts a millenarian tradition.
The great meadow of the Dolomites

Predazzo – with the hamlet of Bellamonte in the East and Mezzavalle in the North – is the most populated village of Val di Fiemme (about 4.500 inhabitants) and lays on the confluence between the rivers Avisio and Travignolo. Thanks to its position, it represents a very important crossing among Val di Fiemme, Val di Fassa, Primiero and Agordino area.
Until 1963 it was the terminus of the railway Ora-Predazzo, which was built by the Austrians during the First World War.
Predazzo is the residence of the Alpine School for the Revenue Guard Corps, where they train the soldiers specialized in the alpine rescue and they host the skiers of Fiamme Gialle group.
In Predazzo there is the headquarters of Regola Feudale, a private right institution born in the XIV century. It administrates the properties (mostly the woods) for the “vicini”, the most ancient families of the village.
As a token of the importance of Predazzo as centre for geological researches – already last century it was known as “Geological garden of the Alps” – there is the Civic Museum of Geology, that promotes and increases the value of the knowledge of the local geological and mineralogical richness.
The hay breeding

Bellamonte lays on a sunny upland, 6 km far from Predazzo, between mount Viezzena in the North and the porphyry mountain chain Lagorai in the South, at 1400 mt above sea level.
Looking at East you can enjoy the magnificent dolomitic skyline of Pale di San Martino.
The landscape is characterized by the green meadows that reach the wood area called “Dossi” and the edge of the deep canyon cut by the river Travignolo called “Sottosassa”.
In order to underline its agricultural-pastoral history, Bellamonte keeps several examples of rural architecture: the “chalet”. Some of them are still used for their original aim, others were renewed and now used as real houses.
Thanks to its position, Bellamonte is the perfect departure for comfortable hiking around the “Dossi” or “Sottosassa” areas or for more difficult trekking up to the numerous peaks of Lagorai.
A large network of forest roads and trails is loved by people who like riding a mountain-bike or practising the Nordic walking.
In the near resort called Castelir you can find the ski slopes of Lusia, which carry you upper-level even in the summertime for trekking up to mount Viezzena or up to the lakes and the peaks of Lusia and Bocche.